How to prepare a presentation (and does it need a script?)
Can a message be interesting without a reward?
How to beat writer’s blocks at work (exclusive guide for members)
Colleagues will pay attention; you just have to show them WHY
The Word is Not Enough
Do your colleagues “hear whatever they want?”
Redundant language — fluff, or cultural bridge?
Tell them what you’re going to BORE them?!
Anxious about your writing? Trust your tongue more than “grammar rules”
An engineer got his white paper unstuck by figuring out the story
Need help from a colleague? Paint them a picture.
How do curious leaders make teams think?
Real leaders really listen
Skim-Reading Less Helps our Teams and our Time
Leaders need to read beyond a bullet point or three
Nice Managers Force Priorities
Writing is really listening
Present complex points simply – a full example (for members)
Serve your stakeholders’ NEEDS, not their wants
Freshen up your canned ideas