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Smooth messages get ignored

Forget fitting in: your message needs spikes to be heard.

Communication teachers tell us to make things easier for the audience. Neuroscience doesn’t quite agree. At intervals, we need to shake things up, or the audience will switch off.

The convenient, simple rule turns out to harm our communications.

Won’t audiences reject us if we make our messages a little more challenging at points?

There are people who wouldn’t engage properly anyway — there’s not much we can do about that.

But for the ones who want to take in our message, they’ll be able to do se better if we balance smooth progression with the occasional more challenging spike.

What does that look like in practice? See the cases below.

We can use these ideas better when we explore them through real examples:

Featured cases & evidence

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How tension keeps attention

How delaying some information keeps audiences engaged (if you don’t overdo it)

Great writers use this trick with sentence lengths

Vary the lengths of your sentences. The rhythms keep your writing interesting and easy to absorb.

Surprise in style can rouse our brains

Playing with language keeps your audience switched on (even at work).

© 2024 by Joe Pairman

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